Kennisis Lake

Kennisis Lake

Kennisis Lake is the 2nd largest lake in Haliburton County including its smaller counterpart, Little Kennisis Lake. Whether looking for a lot that has a hard-packed sand beach, deep clean water, or even both – Kennisis Lake has many different types of shorelines. Located within the Canadian Shield it is a deep, clean lake containing few minerals making the water very clear, with very few weeds and lots of beautiful granite outcroppings.
Once considered one of the cottage countries' best-kept secrets, the lake has proven a great investment for cottage owners over the years. The area is attractive to those who are looking to experience true four-season cottaging and with the Haliburton Forest & Wildlife Reserve Ltd located at its back-door users can take advantage of some of the best snowmobile trails North America has to offer.
There are many public islands on the lake, perfect for exploring. Norah’s Island was donated in 2007 to the cottage association ensure the island will remain protected and a place where cottage owners and their families could enjoy for years to come.
The Chestnut Park Haliburton Office is located right at the start of Kennisis Lake. We know the lake and we can not only help our Buyers find their dream cottage but also work closely with cottage owners who are deciding what improvements will get them the best return on their dollar when the time comes to sell.
The lake has very active cottage associations that hold popular events year after year such as the Sailing Regatta, and Art on The Dock. As well as a passionate Facebook page Kennisis Lake is Better than Your Lake which is a great way for residents of the lake to communicate with each other, whether it be current water levels, if there are washed-out spots due to recent storms, or those looking to buy and sell items. The page shows a true community of passionate cottagers who care not only about their lake but also about their neighbors and community.
Home to Kennisis Lake Marina that has boat rentals, repairs and maintenance, winter storage, a chip truck and of course ice cream! As well as Haliburton Outdoor and Equipment to purchase and service all your outdoor toys!

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